Moxion wins prestigious HPA Engineering Excellence Award.
September 16, 2020 by Moxion

The 2020 Hollywood Professional Association (HPA) Award
The HPA Engineering Excellence Award recognises outstanding technical and creative ingenuity across media, content production, finishing, distribution and archiving.
Since we launched Moxion Immediates in 2016 we’ve had an incredible the response from the screen production industry. We call Immediates ‘instant dailies’ - securely delivering media for viewing anywhere in the world just seconds after cut is called on a scene.
Immediates integrates with QTAKE video assist. All metadata is onboard (including camera, VFX) and flows to the Moxion cloud. Assets can be reviewed, reworked redistributed - for example edits or pre-vis VFX heading back to set for rapid review. Naturally Moxion Immediates is enabled for HDR (HDR10) and 4K assets.
We’re proud to join Carl Zeiss SBE, Eluvio and EIZO in receiving this coveted honour for 2020 - and one which is hotly contested in the tech industry.
HPA Awards Engineering Committee Chair Joachim Zell commented, “It is always exciting to experience first-hand the innovative brilliance of our industry. This year we had a great turnout of entries, and in keeping with the standards of the Engineering Excellence awards, an outstanding judging panel of industry professionals reviewed the submissions. Congratulations to the winners… we are impressed and inspired.”
Moxion’s CEO Hugh Calveley was pleased to see the innovation and ingenuity of the company’s engineers recoginised at the awards. “We set out to give the world’s filmmakers the best, most secure dailies service possible. We then took that a step further with our ‘instant dailies’ service, Moxion Immediates, which has transformed the concept of dailies.
This award is really a major hat tip to the talent of our brilliant engineering team but the best part is, it’s just the start of the innovations we are bringing to the industry. These are super exciting times for Moxion and, more importantly, our customers.”
Click here for more information about the HPA Awards and the Hollywood Professional Association.
Moxion’s powerful, studio-secure, feature-rich dailies platform is used by the world’s leading professional filmmakers.