Moxion to demo ground-breaking virtual production workflow at HPA Tech Retreat 2022.
February 21, 2022 by Moxion

Our co-vendor presentation will be located in the Innovation Zone, with a full demo featuring Moxion Immediates™ near-instant dailies, Mo-Sys NearTime® (both previous HPA Engineering Excellence Award winners) and QTAKE, the industry’s leading on-set capture tool.
The LED ICVFX demo will deploy a Sony Crystal LED wall, with a Sony Venice camera attached to a curve rail and equipped with a Mo-Sys StarTracker camera tracking system.
Takes will be captured by QTAKE, whilst VP Pro XR will drive the LED wall, capturing the camera and lens tracking data.
As the shot is taken on-set, the Mo-Sys NearTime® service provides the real-time in camera VFX composite preview - increasing real-time Unreal image quality versus maintaining real-time frame rates - while QTAKE captures each take with minimal green surround and sends to Moxion.
Moxion then combines the background from Mo-Sys with the foreground from QTAKE to create a composite high resolution asset available for review and edit.
Once in Moxion, assembly edits can then be shared back to set using Moxion Immediates, providing incredible on-set feedback and review.
This is not only a leading edge virtual on-set experience, the smooth on-boarding into the cloud brings your remote VFX and production team into the creative experience as it is being shot.
“We’ve been working hard with our technology partners to take the next steps forward in virtual production,” says Moxion CEO Hugh Calveley, “HPA Tech Retreat 2022 is a wonderful opportunity to talk to our customers in person and show them what we’re capable of. It’s also exciting to have such a close partnership with the talented people at QTAKE and Mo-Sys, so it’s going to be a busy and exciting four days.”
The HPA Tech Retreat 2022 runs from February 21-24 at the Westin Mission Hills Golf Resort & Spa in Rancho Mirage, California.
Moxion’s powerful, studio-secure, feature-rich dailies platform is used by the world’s leading professional filmmakers.